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Do you dream of a big house that could host cheerful groups of friends and barbecue in the yard? Or about a cozy house with a veranda covered with ivy and a garden created for evening walks? Even the wildest dreams can be realized by developing an individual project of the future house.So, the land plot has been selected, purchased and is ready for development. It is necessary to think over the layout: where to place the house, garden and vegetable garden, outbuildings. The house plan includes not only the layout of the rooms, it also includes engineering systems: water supply and sewerage, ventilation and heating, electricity and gas pipes. Many people draw the plan themselves, hoping to save money on the project. However, it is unacceptable that this work is performed by a person who does not have proper education and experience in this field, because in fact such plans threaten huge costs during construction, and the house may be unsafe during operation, especially with regard to engineering systems.The best solution to this problem is to order a private house project from an architectural design bureau, as an organization specializing in this type of work. The finished project documentation contains consists of several parts that can be ordered separately or together. Below is a description of each of them.An architectural project is data on the location of a house on a plot, some decisions regarding the facade and exterior, the size and shape of the roof. It also contains information about the house itself, the purpose of the premises, their area, the location of windows and doors with their exact dimensions. The project is complemented by a 3D model of the house and an explanatory note, where the architect leaves recommendations regarding engineering systems.The constructive project is designed to convey to the builders information about every detail of the house and about the features of the materials used. The project describes the calculation of the foundation, roof, walls, stairs and floors. The estimator will help to calculate the approximate cost of the construction of the house, so that the customer can plan his expenses and control expenses.The project of engineering systems consists of separate projects that describe the location of communication systems: water supply, sewerage, power supply, internal heating. As a result, the customer has schemes for installation and layout of the necessary parts for this.If desired, you can request an interior design project in which specialists will help solve the problem of interior decoration and interior, not to get lost in a huge variety of materials and decor. The designer provides color solutions for each room, supported by sketches, will help with the choice of lamps, furniture and other interior details.Customers who have used the services of the design bureau note that the cost of the project is fully justified and pays off during the construction of the house. In close cooperation of all professionals of the architectural design bureau, a project of a cozy, comfortable and reliable house is born. favorite-escorts.de

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