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Only someone who has not had enough sleep at least once in his life because of a poor quality mattress will understand how important his choice is. It's one thing to get up exhausted after a night's rest somewhere at a party, and it's quite another not to be able to fully relax at home every night. Here it is worth thinking carefully about the priority spending in the family. Perhaps the money is not being spent quite correctly, if such a mattress has not yet been purchased, which will give a full, relaxing night's sleep. After all, saving on a mattress, and not buying a new one if necessary, will result in additional expenses for restoring lost health. The whole body suffers from poor sleep. Mattresses can be very different from each other.

Some people still sleep on their grandmother's completely unsanitary mattresses. These are ordinary pieces of fabric that are stuffed with cotton or other fillers. They are usually soft, which does not help physiological sleep, harms the spine. In addition, a huge amount of dust, sweat, and maybe microbes and other living creatures accumulate inside mattresses that outlive their owners. And then a person wonders where he got scoliosis, an allergy that turns into asthma. And it's simple – it's about the mattress! After all, it is almost impossible to wash it like bed linen. So make up your mind – throw away your grandmother's mattresses, it's high time to buy a new modern one that will meet all standards of sanitation and safety.

If you have already started having problems with your spine after sleeping on a soft mattress, then the doctor will most likely recommend that you sleep on the most physiological orthopedic mattress. It does not cure you by itself, but it will become an indispensable part of a set of measures against spinal problems that together will lead to success. His main task is not to bend under your body. Such mattresses are in demand, and deservedly so.

Which model you choose should be your decision. There are spring and springless, expensive and cheap, of different sizes, colors and even shapes, of different degrees of rigidity, sewn from a variety of materials. The main condition is your comfort while sleeping on the chosen mattress. Try to lie down on it, don't be afraid. You can't buy a pig in a poke. If you are a young family, then buying a mattress may be your first family purchase. Be sure to celebrate her with a candlelit family dinner! https://xbae.ch/

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