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Until recently, mind reading was considered to be in the realm of science fiction, but the further it goes, the more doctors and specialists in the field of medical and compensation technology bring these fantastic ideas to life.

Of course, such studies are not conducted just to prove the breadth of human capabilities. Most often, these are purely practical developments that can help people with disabilities, including those who do not have any limbs or are unable to move or speak.

Developments dedicated to mind reading make it possible to determine the thoughts and wishes of paralyzed patients with a high degree of probability in the future.

Researchers at the Canadian rehabilitation center have proposed using a brain scanner for such contact, which can show the reaction of certain parts of the brain to external stimuli. Experiments conducted on volunteers showed that in more than 80% of situations, the scanner made it possible to correctly determine the patient's preferences and reactions.

Further development of this device will help not only for the care, but also for the rehabilitation of patients, including children, who, as is known, react especially hard to the inability to communicate with the outside world.

Brisk walking is good for the elderly

For 3 months, a group of scientists monitored the health of women over the age of 60. Those who took 30-minute walks at least 3-4 times a week, which were accompanied by rapid steps, showed an improvement in blood circulation in the brain.

As an assessment, the experts took into account the blood flow of the artery, which is located in the neck area. It is this carotid artery that delivers much-needed oxygen and glucose to the brain. Due to the improvement of blood circulation by an average of 15 percent, a decrease in blood pressure by an average of 4 percent was noted. At the same time, scientists noted a decrease in the intensity of the heart muscle.

Brain functions are significantly improved by doing simple physical exercises. First of all, this is due to the fact that the blood delivers not only oxygen and glucose to the brain, but also various nutrients. In addition, the brain, thanks to the flow of blood, is cleansed of various "waste products" of the metabolic process. This is especially true for a protein called beta-amyloid, which is directly involved in the development of Alzheimer's disease. tsescort.org/trans/france/paris/

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